Spell check on individual text styles
Sometimes the spell check not working can stem from a simple setting not checked in one of the template (or document) Styles. You can check Styles either individually or do a Find and Replace search.
To check individual Styles:
- Right-click on a Style (Heading 1 is the example here) in the Styles gallery (or the Styles pane if preferred) and select Modify.

- In the Modify Style dialog box, click the Format button, then select Language.

- In the Language dialog box, Mark selected text as the language you want, e.g. English (Australia), then make sure is NOT selected.

- Click OK, then OK again.
Set the Proofing Language
If you’re still having problems, try this:
- Press Ctrl + A to select everything in the document.
- On the Review tab in the Language group, click the Language button and select Set Proofing Language.

- In the Language dialog box, Mark selected text as the language you want, e.g., English (Australia), then make sure Do not check spelling or grammar is NOT selected.
- Click OK.